Trickling Filters Australia provides services to clients throughout Australia in the sewage, leachate and industrial wastewater sectors. Modern trickling filters are common internationally and highly suitable for large and small scale projects. A list of international projects completed by our European partners can be seen below.
Example implementations
Nitrifying Trickling Filter
Narrogin, WA
Vertical flow trickling filter media (300m3) provides a microbial reactive area equivalent to over 180 tennis courts. The porous design of the media allows air to passively move up through the 3.6m depth of media bottom to top without the need for energy intensive aeration blowers.
The Rotating distributor for the 10 metre diameter tank included a 200mm inlet pipe and four stainless steel arms each with 11 hydraulic spreaders providing a distributor between 35 l/sec and 42 l/sec.
Nitrifying Trickling Filter
Lake Geneva, Switzerland
Trickling filters together with GEA 2H water technologies provide a reliable and energy efficient process due to the development of different types of plastic media. The nitrifying filter featured at the board of Lake Geneva provided two stages in one tank with ammonia discharge.
Nitrifying Trickling Filter
Namibia, South Africa
The reliability of trickling filters is renowned to work best in areas or small towns where there is low energy supply. The objective for reusing water from trickling filter systems is where the process is more cost effective than producing water by any other means.